Larry Lake is a professor in the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering. Dr. Lake is a world famous expert in reservoir engineering, geochemistry, fluid flow in porous media and enhanced oil recovery. His work in quantifying the effects of geochemical interactions and flow variability for resource recovery is now widely applied by industry. His reservoir characterization work includes demonstrating that different geological depositional processes produce flow properties that can be statistically described. He was also among the first to recognize the importance of rock-fluid chemical interactions on enhanced oil recovery. Lake’s work has been crucial in developing more efficient methods for recovering oil and gas from reservoirs. For example, many companies now simulate hydrocarbon recovery by taking into account variations discovered through Dr. Lake’s research.
Larry has been recognized internationally for his achievements, including Member of the National Academy of Engineering since 1997, Honorary Member and Distinguished Service Award from the Society of Petroleum Engineers, and The University of Texas Joe J. King Award for professional service. He is the author or co-author of more than 100 technical papers and several textbooks.
Course Instructor (in-person workshops):