CO2: Too Much of a Good Thing?

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Many scientists are concerned about the large amount of CO2 going into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels. The main concern is that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Scientists know that these greenhouse gases (gases such as CO2, methane and water vapor) contribute to warming our atmosphere, and therefore, the planet.

Most people, while they understand that burning gasoline in their car results in CO2 emissions, incorrectly think that electricity in general is a clean form of energy. This misconception mainly stems from the fact that people do not understand the difference between a primary energy source (e.g., oil, coal) and a secondary energy source (e.g., electricity).

During this asynchronous professional development session, participants will engage in activities that will provide a better understanding of greenhouse gases, how burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, and understand the chemical properties of carbon dioxide. Participants will also receive information about hands-on activities that can be replicated in their classrooms.

CPE Hours

To earn CPE hours for this session, you will complete a survey at the end of the course. Upon completion of all required tasks, participants will earn 3 CPE hours for this course.

Get Started

To get started with this PD course, click on the first lesson (top item on the menu bar at left).