Gwen Olivier

PhD candidate, Texas State University, San Marcos

MS, The University of Texas at Austin

Gwen Olivier received an M.S. in Energy and Earth Resources from the Jackson School of Geosciences at UT Austin in May 2023. She focused her research on prehistoric soil. She applied micromorphological and geoarchaeological proxies to study soil fertility in aridisols by integrating water reservoirs at the Creekside Village Archaeological Site near Tularosa, New Mexico. In addition to her research in the Beach Soils and Geoarchaeological Labs and teaching assistantship, Gwen helped design the EnergyExcursions course on geothermal energy.

Gwen now works at HDR Inc. in cultural resources as a geoarchaeologist. Her current projects are in New Mexico, North Texas, and Central Texas. She is now in a Ph.D. program at Texas State University in Applied Anthropology, with a research focus on geoarchaeology and environmental archaeology in deserts. Beyond school and work, Gwen enjoys climbing, slacklining, aerials, and spending time with her dogs.

Course Designer:

  • Energy is a Hot Topic