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Containment Risk

“Take an energy excursion on the integrative considerations that go into containment risk, and methods to mitigate such risks at the well site.” 


This lesson takes into account the various engineering considerations that must be completed to identify and mitigate subsurface containment risks throughout construction and production of the wellbore. Engineers must work hand in hand with geologists, operators, and management to identify any unexpected, subsurface-containment-loss events and their consequences. Students will learn about potential events, the components that fall under contaminant-loss prevention, introduction to barriers for mitigating risks such as the Bowtie Model of Risk Assessment and Mitigation, and aging well infrastructure. Additionally, students will be exposed to the risks of abandoned wells and associated current events. 

Learning Outcomes  

  • Take a look at the various components used for classifying well containment issues
    • Wellbore Integrity 
    • Subsurface Integrity 
  • Introduction to barriers for mitigating risks
    • Bowtie Model of Risk Assessment and Mitigation   
  • Take a look at the importance of properly taking care of an aging well and the risks associated with aging and abandoned well negligence 
    • Aging well infrastructure 
    • Abandoned wells and the associated risks 
Oklahoma Academic Standards
TEKS Standards
College Board Units and Topics
Next Generation Science Standards