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Engineering Considerations When Drilling a Well

“Take an energy excursion about the importance of engineering mechanisms and wellbore integrity to mitigate risks and avoid containment loss.” 


This lesson takes into account the various engineering considerations that must be completed to identify and mitigate risks throughout construction and production of the wellbore. It is vital that engineers work hand in hand with geologists, managers, and regulatory personnel to identify any potential events and their consequences. Students will learn the basics of wellbore integrity and various tests to check the integrity of the wellbore. Additionally, a case study on the Moss Bluff Storage Facility in Texas demonstrates how engineering failures combined to cause a fire,  extensive damage, financial loss, and evacuation of multiple nearby residents in 2004. 

Learning Outcomes 

  • Gain an understanding on the basis of engineering considerations that are taken into account to satisfy well integrity 
  • Gain an understanding of wellbore integrity and integrity testing for various wells
  • Learn about the Moss Bluff Storage Facility in Texas through a case study on a wellhead fire that took place at the facility 
    • Background of the Moss Bluff Storage Facility fire
    • What engineering failures resulted in a fire at the facility? 
Oklahoma Academic Standards
TEKS Standards
College Board Units and Topics
Next Generation Science Standards